Bunny Chow Pizza

Two comfort foods combined in a twist on a Durban classic, the bunny chow.

Beef curry on a thick base pizza with mozzarella, fresh oregano and coriander.


White Bread Flour 500g
Salt 1 teaspoon
Dried Yeast 5g
Water 300ml
Olive Oil 30ml

Black Food Colouring
Mozzarella Cheese

Curry of your choice
Fresh Oregano
Fresh Coriander
Sea Salt
Olive Oil


Place the flour, yeast and salt in a bowl and mix. Add in the water and olive oil and mix until a dough forms, then knead for about 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Shape the dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with clingwrap and leave in a warm spot to rise for an hour.

Divide the dough into two and roll out on a lightly floured surface, then cut out a bunny head shape. You should get two pizzas with this amount of dough. With the excess dough, add in some black food colouring and mix well, then shape the eyes and nose, wet the back of these with a little water then position on the pizza base. Place on a tray lined with a sheet of baking paper and cover with a tea towel, allow to rise for half an hour.

Spoon on the curry where the mouth will be and add the mozzarella cheese. Brush the rest of the pizza with olive oil, and sprinkle with sea salt and chopped oregano. (For a lamb curry recipe click here: https://www.atekitchen.com/food/lamb-curry-pies you can also use beef instead of lamb if you like)

Bake at 190˚C for 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven and add some fresh coriander and two slices of additional mozzarella for the teeth.


Apple Crumble Tart


June 2021