Onion Rings


Crispy, deep-fried onion rings made with amasi, flour and spices delicious with homemade sweet chilli mayo made with olive oil, garlic, chilli and honey.



Garlic 4 cloves
Red Chillies 3
Mustard Powder 2 teaspoons
Brown Vinegar 2 teaspoons
Honey 1 tablespoon
Eggs 4 yolks
FIRST CHOICE Extra Virgin Olive Oil 350ml
Salt pinch


Preheat the oven to 180˚C. Wrap the chillies and garlic separately in aluminium foil and place in the oven. Remove the chillies after 15 minutes and the garlic after 30 minutes. Cut the chillies in half, remove the seeds and skin and chop well, this should give you half a teaspoon of roast chillies. Remove the skin from the garlic and smooth out on a board with the side of a large knife, this should give you one teaspoon of roast garlic paste.

Place the roast garlic and chilli in a bowl with the mustard powder, brown vinegar and honey and mix together to form a paste. Add the egg yolks and beat together. Pour the FIRST CHOICE Extra Virgin Olive Oil into the egg mixture in a slow and steady stream while continually beating until all the oil has combined and the mayo is thick. Add a pinch of salt and stir in well. Place in a sealed container and keep in the fridge.



FIRST CHOICE Full Cream Amasi 500ml
Thyme 1 teaspoon
Chilli Powder ½ teaspoon
Cake Flour 300g
Smoked Paprika 2 teaspoons
Salt & Pepper Pinch
Onions 4
Oil for deep frying

Place oil in a pot and bring up to 180˚C. Peel and slice the onions into rings approximately 1cm thick, separate the rings and place on a paper towel to dry. Pour the amasi in a bowl and add the thyme and chilli powder, mix together well. Sift the flour and smoked paprika into a separate bowl and season with salt and pepper. Place the onion rings in the amasi then remove and then coat them in the flour mix. Carefully place three to four at a time in the hot oil for a few minutes on each side until golden and crispy. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Enjoy with a generous dunking in the sweet chilli mayo.


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