Cheat’s Croissants

Cheat’s croissants made using only five ingredients.


Self-Raising Flour 250ml (plus extra for working)
Vanilla Full Cream Yoghurt 125ml
Butter 100g
Egg 1
Icing Sugar for dusting


Mix the self-raising flour and yoghurt together, then knead on a floured surface until smooth. Roll the dough out to a rectangle 300mm x 250mm with a thickness of 2mm. Roll the butter between two sheets of plastic wrap to a rectangle measuring 200mm x 240mm then cut in half so that you have two sheets of butter measuring 100mm x 240mm. Place one sheet of butter in the middle third of the pastry and fold the right third of the pastry over the top of the butter. Then place the second sheet of butter on top of that and fold the left third of the pastry on top of the butter. Pinch the edges and dust with flour, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Remove the dough from the fridge and on a floured surface, roll out to a rectangle 300mm x 250mm with a thickness of 2mm, then fold the right third of the pastry to cover the middle third and the left third on top (same as before but without adding the butter). Dust with flour, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Repeat this step twice more.

On a floured surface, roll out the pastry to a rectangle 300mm x 250mm with a thickness of 2mm and cut into quarters. Cut each rectangle quarter diagonally in half from the top left corner to the bottom right corner, this will give you eight even triangles. Lightly stretch the edges to get the narrow point of the triangle centred (a triangle like the shape of a slice of pizza) and roll into the croissant shape. Place on a lined baking tray and brush with a beaten egg.

Bake at 190˚C for 20 minutes, until golden.

Allow to cool slightly and dust with icing sugar.


Onion Rings


November 2020