October 2020

O is for October.

Chocolate cake, covered in chocolate buttercream and topped with chocolate glaze, crawling with M&M spiders.


Milk 175ml
Butter 125g
Eggs 4 large
Sugar 300ml
Vanilla Essence 5ml
Cake Flour 400ml
Salt pinch
Cocoa Powder 50ml
Baking Powder 15ml

Butter 80g
Icing Sugar 250g
Cocoa Powder 25ml
Milk 50ml

Water 35g
Sugar 95g
Cream 50g
Glucose 50g
Water 30g
Gelatine Powder 5g
Cocoa Powder 30g


Place milk and butter in a saucepan on a medium heat until butter has melted, leave aside to cool slightly. Sift flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa into a bowl. Beat eggs and vanilla essence well, gradually adding sugar a third at a time. Fold in sifted dry ingredients to the creamy mixture until smooth. Add cooled milk mixture and stir in gently to combine, and mix together well. Lightly grease cake tin and dust with flour, pour in cake mixture.

Bake at 180°C for 25 minutes.

To make the butter cream, beat the softened butter, icing sugar, cocoa powder and milk together until light and fluffy. Apply evenly to the cake.

For the chocolate glaze, bring 35g water along with the sugar, glucose and cream to the boil. Tip in the cocoa powder and cook for five minutes whisking continuously. Remove from heat, mix the gelatine with 30g water and add mixing well. Pour into another container, cover top with cling wrap so that it touches the surface of the mixture and leave to cool in the fridge until thick enough to pour. Pour over the cake..


Chilli Bites


Choc Crunchies