Milo Milkshake

Hot summer days call for thick Milo milkshakes.


Milo 45ml
Milk 45ml
Vanilla Ice Cream* 500ml, softened
Chocolate Covered Malt Balls handful, to taste


Place the Milo and milk in a mug and microwave for 30 seconds. Stir well and strain through a sieve over the ice cream and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and top with chopped and crushed chocolate covered malt balls. Enjoy!

*I love thick milkshakes and ice cream softens very quickly on a hot summer’s day in Durban. If you are in a cooler area, or just prefer a thinner milkshake, you can use 250ml ice cream and 250ml milk. You can also play with the ratio to get the thickness you prefer.


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