December 2021

Viennese Biscuits

Melt-in-your-mouth vanilla butter biscuits dipped in chocolate and topped with festive sprinkles. Baked with Natura Sugars Demerara Icing Sugar. 


Butter 200g
Natura Sugars Demerara Icing Sugar 50g 
Vanilla Bean 1/2 
Cake Flour 200g
Corn Flour 50g
Milk Chocolate 150g
Festive Sprinkles


Beat the softened butter, seeds of half a vanilla bean and Natura Sugars Demerara Icing Sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy. Sift in the cake flour and corn flour, mix together then beat for a few minutes until well combined. Spoon into a piping bag with large fluted nozzle and pipe into 8cm strips on a baking tray lined with baking paper

Bake at 180˚C for 10 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Dip the ends of the biscuits into the melted chocolate and place on a sheet of baking paper. While the chocolate is still melted top with festive sprinkles then allow to set.


Double Chocolate Cookies and Cream Ice-Cream Popsicles


November 2021