Chocolate and Almond Truffles

A delicious, edible gift idea for Mother’s Day.


Dark Chocolate 160g
Butter 15g
Cream 100g
Cocoa Powder for decorating
Sprinkles for decorating


Chop the dark chocolate into small even pieces and place in a bowl with the butter. Heat the cream until it is just about to boil then pour over the chocolate and butter stirring until the chocolate has completely melted. Place the bowl in the fridge for about two hours, or until the chocolate has set.

Lightly roast the almonds in a frying pan over a high heat. Set aside twelve whole almonds, and finely chop the remaining almonds.

Remove the chocolate truffle mix from the fridge and divide into twelve even pieces, about 20g each. Push a whole almond into the chocolate and roll into a ball, place back in the fridge for about half an hour to firm up slightly.

Set out three small bowls on the counter, filling the first with the roasted, chopped almonds, the second with sprinkles and the third with cocoa powder. Roll the chocolate truffles gently in your hands to soften the outsides. Cover a third of the truffles in the chopped almonds, a third in the sprinkles and the remaining third in the cocoa powder. Place each truffle in a mini cupcake case and arrange these in a box lined with tissue paper. Seal the box with ribbon and keep in a cool place.


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