Mauritian Napolitaine

I love Napolitaine, a shortbread style biscuit sandwiched with China guava jelly and covered in glacé icing. I learnt this recipe from my gran who was from Mauritius, and they’re great as bite sized treats or one large layered cake.


Cake Flour 5 cups
Natura Sugars Golden Caster Sugar 4 teaspoons
Salt ¾ teaspoon
Butter 450g
China Guava Jelly 1 jar
Natura Sugars Demerara Icing Sugar 3 cups
Rose Food Colouring Powder ¼ teaspoon
Water, Boiling 8 tablespoons


Sift flour, sugar and salt into a bowl. Cut cold pieces of butter into smaller blocks and add to flour. Mix together with fingertips until well combined and a dough is formed. Roll out the dough to 6mm high and cut with a 50mm diameter circle cutter. Place on a lined baking tray and bake.

Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Once cooled, sandwich with guava jelly and cover with icing. Sift the icing sugar into a bowl and add the boiling water until you get a thick, smooth icing that will still pour. When icing, start in the middle and spiral outwards, going around the edge a few times allowing the icing to run down the sides, smooth the edges with a knife dipped in boiling water. Allow the icing to set and then enjoy!


August 2020


Mandela Day 2020