Easter Cheesecake

A frozen vanilla cheesecake with a hidden mini easter bunny in the centre, covered in chocolate ganache and topped with Easter eggs.


Butter 125g
Sugar 80g
Egg 1 large
Vanilla Essence 5ml
LANCEWOOD Cream Cheese 250g
Tennis Biscuits 24
Mini Easter Bunnies 12

Dark Chocolate 160g
Cream 125ml
Easter Eggs to decorate


To make the cheesecake beat the butter and sugar in a bowl until light and creamy. Add the egg, vanilla essence and Lancewood cream cheese and mix until well combined.

On a large piece of tinfoil arrange 12 Tennis biscuits in 3 rows of 4, then spread a third of the cheesecake mixture over the biscuits. On top of this, place another layer of 12 Tennis biscuits, then spread the remaining cheesecake mixture over the top.

Place a line of mini Easter bunnies down the centre, then using the foil, fold the biscuits up to form a triangle, crimp the foil at the top to keep it together and place in the freezer overnight to set.

To make the chocolate ganache, chop up the chocolate and place in a clean bowl. Heat the cream until it just starts bubbling then pour over the chocolate and stir until all the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth. Place in the fridge for a few minutes to thicken up.

When ready to serve, remove the cheesecake from the tinfoil and cover with the chocolate ganache then decorate with Easter eggs.


Nutty French Toast


Easter Bunny Biscuits