Choc Marshmallow Tarts

I love to dunk my Bakers® Good Morning Bran Rusks into hot chocolate as a winter’s treat and that was my inspiration for these mini tarts. They’re quick and easy to make and you only need six ingredients.


Bakers® Good Morning Bran Rusks 200g
Butter 60g
Condensed Milk 1 tin
Dark Chocolate 150g
Butter 30g
Egg Yolks 2
Mini Marshmallows


Crush the Bakers® Good Morning Bran Rusks well, mix with melted butter and press into baking tins. Melt chocolate with butter and mix together with condensed milk and egg yolks. Pour into bases, makes approximately 18 tarts.

Bake at 180˚C for 10 minutes.

Remove from the oven, top with mini marshmallows and place back in the oven for a further 5 minutes until the marshmallow start to brown. Remove from the oven, allow to cool and enjoy!


Mandela Day 2020


July 2020